- The Barn Factory
- Free Plans
Free Plans
Free Standard Plans
The standard plans listed below are free. These plans do not include your personal site-specific information. If your permit office requires an engineer’s wet stamp review, the plans may need adjustments for your location’s wind and snow load requirements. This information will be necessary for both the engineer and the permit office. Please note that the engineer’s stamp will incur an additional cost, which is paid directly to the engineer.
Optional Plan Improvement Fees
If needed, you can choose from the following optional updates:
- Required Information Plans Update: $100
- Material List with Order of Assembly: $100
- AutoCAD File (upon request): $100
Customized design changes are also available at an extra cost.
Proprietary Plans Permission
These plans are proprietary and are the property of The Barn Factory.
To request permission to use these plans (no charge), email TheBarnFactory@gmail.com to receive the February 2023 release form.